Tuesday, February 26, 2019


Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus which is passed from skin to skin contact. Once you're exposed to the virus, it's present in your body for life. After the initial infection, the virus will travel to your nerves where it remains dormant but may awaken periodically. Often, there's a trigger that causes the virus to wake up, which leads to a cold sore.

Cold sore triggers: Stress, illness (a cold or flu), Sunlight, Wind, Changes in your immune system.

You may wish to boost your immune system to prevent cold sores by having a healthy gut, taking a high quality prebiotic/probiotic supplement every day.

Also, taking just one drop of doTerra's "On Guard" (Wild Orange, Clove, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Rosemary, and Myrrh essential oils) helps boost your immune system. "On Guard"supports the body’s natural defenses. Soak sliced apples in water and a few drops of On Guard for a healthy, immune-boosting snack. Add two to three drops in an empty veggie capsule for an immune boost. Or dilute 1 drop in 4 ounces of water and take twice a day. Or, you can buy On Guard softgels.

I've used doTerra's "Correct X" ointment on a cold sore and it worked!

See your doctor for cold sores by your eyes or tip of your nose.

You can get doTerra's On Guard here: mydoterra.com/bethblake

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