Thursday, February 28, 2019

Redness on skin

It seems that the best thing we can do for redness of your skin is control the symptoms. Topical Rx's can reduce redness. Mirvaso constricts blood vessels, reducing redness. Oral antibiotics help reduce some types of bacteria but likely mainly fight inflammation when used for this. Doxycycline is an antibiotic taken as a pill for moderate to severe rosacea with bumps and pustules. Laser therapy may help reduce the redness of enlarged blood vessels. (Mayo Clinic Healthcare Information).
Some people with mild redness have been helped by putting 1 drop Lavender Essential Oil into their moisturizer 2X a day. Lavender can help calm and soothe the skin. Some people have been helped by doTerra Rose Touch. Others have been helped by Frankincense. Only use pure, high-quality oil. Never put Essential Oils directly onto your skin, especially if it's broken. Either dilute with a carrier oil, or put a drop into your moisturizer.

You can get pure, high-quality oils here:

Tuesday, February 26, 2019


Blisters. If it's not too painful, leave it intact because it will be a natural barrier to infection. Cover it with a bandage. Only drain the blister if it's too painful for you. (Mayo Health Clinic). Clean the area well and sterilize a clean needle. Poke a few holes near the edge. Let the fluid drain. Apply ointment and cover with a bandage. Check for signs of infection. See your dr. as needed.
I like doTerra's CorrectX ointment. Contains: Frankincense, Helichrysum, Melaleuca, Cedarwood, and Lavender that soothe and purify your skin. Bisabolol calms the skin. Jojoba gives optimal hydration, helping to improve the texture. Phellodendron Amurense Bark Extract conditions the skin. Apply bandage.

To get CorrectX ointment, go to and put "CorrectX" in the Search Box.


Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus which is passed from skin to skin contact. Once you're exposed to the virus, it's present in your body for life. After the initial infection, the virus will travel to your nerves where it remains dormant but may awaken periodically. Often, there's a trigger that causes the virus to wake up, which leads to a cold sore.

Cold sore triggers: Stress, illness (a cold or flu), Sunlight, Wind, Changes in your immune system.

You may wish to boost your immune system to prevent cold sores by having a healthy gut, taking a high quality prebiotic/probiotic supplement every day.

Also, taking just one drop of doTerra's "On Guard" (Wild Orange, Clove, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Rosemary, and Myrrh essential oils) helps boost your immune system. "On Guard"supports the body’s natural defenses. Soak sliced apples in water and a few drops of On Guard for a healthy, immune-boosting snack. Add two to three drops in an empty veggie capsule for an immune boost. Or dilute 1 drop in 4 ounces of water and take twice a day. Or, you can buy On Guard softgels.

I've used doTerra's "Correct X" ointment on a cold sore and it worked!

See your doctor for cold sores by your eyes or tip of your nose.

You can get doTerra's On Guard here:

Saturday, February 16, 2019

DNA Damage Repair = DDR Prime

Support for damaged DNA: 
DDR Prime, made up of doTerra's superior Essential Oils, has been shown in clinical studies to support cellular health and cellular integrity. It assists cellular repair, cellular regeneration and relieving inflammation. It helps heal the body at a cellular level. It's an immune booster. It supports the health of the brain and nervous system.

DoTerra does a lot of scientific clinical research and testing and has shown, with molecular fingerprinting, the effect of Essential Oils on cells.

Here is a testimony: "So I sent my father the DDR Prime capsules. He suffers from severe neuropathy of the legs, which the doctors had told him will only get worse and worse. Nothing that can be done for this, no hope of improvement. Dad hasn't felt the bottoms of his feet for 9 years! ... After two months I was about to tell Dad to go ahead and stop taking it, when he suddenly told my mother that he has started to feel his feet! He didn't tell us for a few days because he wanted to be sure this was actually happening. IT IS HAPPENING!!! Any feeling he regains is a miracle...pure and simple...and he swears by the DDR Prime." - Kristen

DDR Prime (DNA Damage Repair) is in liquid and gel capsule form. Put "DDR Prime" in the search box. 

Friday, February 15, 2019


Seasonal Affective Disorder: SAD--a type of depression that's related to changes in seasons. SAD begins and ends at about the same times every year. Usually your symptoms start in the fall and continue into the winter months, sapping your energy and making you feel moody. Treatment may include light therapy, medications and psychotherapy (Mayo Clinic report.)

Causes: The decrease in sunlight may disrupt your body's internal clock (circadian rhythm) and lead to feelings of depression. Reduced sunlight can also cause a drop in serotonin.

Help: Diffusing these Essential Oils known to uplift mood: Bergamot, Grapefruit, Peppermint, Spearmint, Tangerine, Wild Orange, Ylang Ylang.

You can get your oils here:

You'll be confident you're using the best oils when you use doTerra, known for superior testing and purity.


Exczema. Some medical practitioners consider eczema an external symptom of an internal problem. Dr. Amy Myers M.D. states, "Eczema occurs when you experience inflammation, which is your body’s response to a perceived threat. Your immune system is so stressed by these threats that it goes into overdrive and ends up attacking your skin."

Avoid eating inflammatory foods (gluten, soy, corn, dairy.) Avoid high histamine foods such as avocados, eggplant, spinach, tomatoes, bacon, and dried or citrus fruits.

80% of your immune system is in your gut! Heal your gut to strengthen your immune system with 1) digestive enzymes and 2) pre/probiotics. Remember, probiotics are useless without prebiotics.

DoTerra has "DigestZen TerraZyme" digestive enzymes, and also "DigestZen PB Assist+" pre/probitics. You can get them at

Thursday, February 14, 2019


Ancient records show that Myrrh was deemed so valuable that at times it was valued at its weight in gold. Myrrh Essential Oil has been used for thousands of years in traditional healing therapies. Myrrh has powerful cleansing properties, especially for the mouth and throat. It is also soothing to the skin—promoting a smooth, youthful-looking complexion. Add to your lotion/moisturizer to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. And Myrrh promotes emotional balance and well-being when used aromatically. 

You will feel confident you are using the purest Essential Oils when you use doTerra's oils, known for superior testing and quality.

You can get Myrrh Essential Oil here:

Monday, February 11, 2019


The information you can find on the Internet about Essential Oils and pregnancy/nursing can be confusing. The following information is pretty universal.

First Trimester: No Essential Oils at all in any form.

Second and Third Trimester: do not ingest any Essential Oils at all, but a few may safely be inhaled and/or applied topically with a carrier oil. Keep in mind that some Essential Oils cross the placental barrier. Research, before using. Talk with an aromatherapist who is trained in  treating pregnant and nursing women.

Completely avoid these EOs throughout your entire pregnancy:
Basil, Cedarwood, Cinnamon, Clary Sage, Clove, Jasmine, Lemongrass, Marjoram, Nutmeg, Peppermint, Rose, Rosemary, Thyme. And obviously, any essential oil known to thin the blood or cause cramping or contractions. Although some sites state that Peppermint is all right in your third trimester. 

Third trimester, most sites list the following oils as safe to diffuse for short periods of time, ex: 15 minutes at a time:
Frankincense, Grapefruit, Lavender, Lemon, Melaleuca,Tangerine, Ylang Ylang

Always remember that Less is More. Essential Oils are highly concentrated.

Please, be sure you are using EOs that have been tested by a reputable company as being pure.

Always check with your doctor or midwife first, and avoid any EO if you are concerned about its use or have any kind of bad reaction to it, or if you have a history of miscarriages, epilepsy, kidney disease

Friday, February 8, 2019


According to US National Library of Medicine and National Institute of Health at, Frankincense has the following 4 effects:

"Frankincense reduces inflammatory conditions in the course of rheumatism by inhibiting leukocyte elastase and degrading glycosaminoglycans.  

Frankincense inhibits 5-lipoxygenase and prevents the release of leukotrienes, thus having an anti-inflammatory effect in ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, bronchitis and sinusitis. 

Inhalation and consumption of Frankincense reduces the risk of asthma. 

In addition, boswellic acids in Frankincense have an antiproliferative effect on tumours. They inhibit proliferation of tumour cells of the leukaemia and glioblastoma subset. They have an anti-tumour effect since they inhibit topoisomerase
I and II-alpha and stimulate programmed cell death (apoptosis)."

Be sure your Frankincense is from a company known for superior testing and purity. DoTerra is such a company. 


How the doTerra Essential Oil company helps people in Somaliland:

DoTerra harvests Frankincense EO in Somaliland, one of the few places on earth Frankincense trees grow. The local harvesters have been lifted out of poverty by doTerra with their good wages.

DoTerra built schools there for children ages 7 to 12. They funded a Health Services Center to give primary health care there. They're constructing a Regional Hospital for the harvesting communities for the first time ever in that region.

This industry is the villagers' only industry in those areas. No middle-men now to cheat them! DoTerra trains them how to harvest the trees properly, offering them hope and better lives in just these past few years.

You can get your Frankincense oil here: 

Thursday, February 7, 2019


It's been said that chronic inflammation is the root of all disease. Bell peppers of any color, healthy fats, blueberries, broccoli, green tea, grapes, olive oil are anti-inflammatory. To treat the body, we must remove inflammation and restore a normal immune system. Certain Essential Oils such as Copaiba (the best!) reduce inflammation and support the immune system.
Basil, Clove, Frankincense, Ginger, Rosemary, and Thyme are also anti-inflammatory.
Use a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil or olive oil when applying to the area. When taking internally, use just one drop a day.

Don't take if already on anticoagulants. Talk to your doctor first.

You can get Copaiba and other Essential Oils here: 


A 2014 study published in the Journal of Phytotherapy Research found that inhalation of Clary Sage Essential Oil had the ability to reduce cortisol levels by 36%, and also improved thyroid hormone levels. The study was done on 22 post-menopausal women in their 50s, some of whom were diagnosed with depression. 

At the end of the trial, the researchers stated that “Clary Sage oil had a statistically significant effect on lowering cortisol and had an anti-depressant effect improving mood.” 

And according to Dr. Josh Axe (not affiliated w/doTerra), "Clary Sage affects hormones because it contains natural phytoestrogens. It regulates estrogen levels and ensures the long-term health of the uterus."

You can get pure Clary Sage Essential Oil here:

**Do NOT consume Clary Sage Essential Oil in any way while pregnant or nursing.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019


Cinnamon Essential Oil supports healthy metabolic function and helps maintain a healthy immune system. Ginger E.O. helps to support healthy digestion.

 Ginger Molasses Cookie recipe:
 2/3 C coconut oil; 1 C sugar; 1 egg; 1/4 C blackstrap molasses; rounded 2 C flour; 2 tsp baking soda; 1-2 drops Cinnamon E.O.; 1-2 drops Ginger E.O. 

Combine oil and sugar. Add egg and beat. Stir in molasses. In separate bowl, combine 2 C flour, baking soda, Cinnamon E.O. and Ginger E.O. Stir well. Gradually add flour mixture into wet mixture and mix. 

Shape dough into 1 1/2 inch balls, roll in sugar, place on ungreased baking sheet. Bake 10-12 minutes at 350F.

 Enjoy, like my grandson here!

Monday, February 4, 2019


Copaiba (Copaifera reticulate) Essential Oil (EO), has the highest known botanical content of one of the most commonly found terpenes in Cannabis, beta-caryophyllene (BCP).
BCP is an effective way to medicate while avoiding any alteration in perception or motor skills.
CBD oil is 35% BCP, while Copaiba EO is 55%!
BCP’s are in plenty of foods and other essential oils but nowhere near the concentration nor purity found in Copaiba EO, according to Dr Ethan B. Russo in his 2011 study, published in the British Journal of Pharmacology, "Taming THC: potential cannabis synergy and phytocannabinoid-terpenoid entourage effects."
Just one drop. If you don't like the taste, put one drop into a veggie capsule. Or, some companies supply Copaiba EO in capsule form, such as doTerra EO company, which guarantees purity.


Essential Oils go into your body, if by topical, inhaling, or ingesting. Make sure you purchase essential oils that have no pesticides or chemicals added to them. You need a company that guarantees 100%purity.  Do research to find a company that does 3rd party testing for purity.
The way the oils are made is important, because essential oils obtained through chemical processes are not considered true essential oils. You want Essential Oils that are obtained through distillation (via steam and/or water) or mechanical methods, such as cold pressing. Never chemical processes.
Also, be aware that there are many products on the market that may or may not be suitable for clinical use. They can be found nearly everywhere, from health food stores, drug stores, markets, discount stores, to the Internet. Only buy straight from a reputable company that you have researched. 

Sourcing is important. Quality can vary by country, the variability in altitude, soil conditions and rainfall. Certain oils grow best in certain countries. Do research that your company sources oils properly and responsibly, helping the local farmers.

Sunday, February 3, 2019


Marjoram Essential Oil is valued for its calming properties and positive effect on the nervous system when taken internally.* It supports a healthy immune system when consumed.* It may promote a healthy cardiovascular system when ingested.*

Butternut Squash Soup:
Saute 6 T choped onion in 2 T olive oil.
Add 6 C peeled and cubed butternut squash, 5 C water, 4 bouillon cubes, pinch of black pepper and cayenne pepper. Bring to a boil and cook 10 minutes until squash is tender. Puree in a blender until smooth.
Return to saucepan and stir in 6 ounces Greek yogurt and one drop Marjoram Essential Oil. Warm but do not boil.

You can be confident you're using the best essential oils when you use doTerra, known for superior testing and purity.

You can get your oils here if you'd like:

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. 



    While fresh basil herbs are also beneficial and a great way to flavor recipes, Basil Essential Oil is much more concentrated and potent. The compounds found in basil oil are steam-distilled from fresh basil leaves, stems and flowers to form an extract that contains high levels of antioxidants and other beneficial phytochemicals, says Dr. Axe (not associated with doTerra). 

    Creamless Creamy Tomato Soup: Place 6 tomatoes (seeded and chopped), 1/2 C water, 1 tsp garlic, chopped onion, 1/2 tsp sea salt into blender and blend until smooth. Add 1 chopped avocado and 2 T olive oil and blend again. Pour into microwave-safe bowl and add 2 drops Basil E.O. Stir and heat. Makes 3 cups. Delicious!

    Oregano Essential Oil Egg Breakfast

    Oregano Essential Oil offers powerful antioxidants when ingested. It supports a healthy immune system, healthy digestion, and respiratory function when used internally. Just one drop a day - no more than that! 

    Breakfast recipe: Whisk together 6 large eggs, 3T milk or water, 1 drop Oregano E.O., S/P, pinch of garlic powder. After whisking, add 1/3 C sun-dried tomatoes, chopped. Cook in skillet with non-stick spray over medium heat. 

    You can be confident you're giving your family the best Essential Oils when you use doTerra oils, known for superior testing and purity. 

    Saturday, February 2, 2019


    Having trouble breathing? My friend's husband snores and I suggested he try "Breathe" on the bottom of his feet. She says it helps decrease her husband's snoring and she's happy for that!
    DoTerra's blend "Breathe" maintains feelings of clear airways and easy breathing while minimizing the effects of seasonal threats.
    DoTerra's "Breathe" can be applied topically (with a carrier oil for sensitivity) to the chest, back, or bottom of feet. Or you can diffuse at nighttime to calm your senses and promote a restful sleep. You can feel confident you're using the best when you use doTerra Essential Oils, known for superior testing and purity.


    Sore muscles? After long hours on the computer, we rub doTerra's Deep Blue Rub on our fingers, wrists, shoulders, and necks. Great relief! DoTerra's Deep Blue Rub is perfect for a soothing massage after a long day of work. Apply on feet and knees before and after exercise. Rub this Deep Blue lotion on lower back muscles after a day of heavy lifting at work or during a move. Deep Blue Rub is blended in a base of moisturizing emollients that leave your skin feeling soft and not greasy. Perfect for athletes.
    Essential Oils cross your cell membranes to help heal, not just mask pain.
    You can be confident you're using the best when you use doTerra, known for superior testing and purity.

    You can get Deep Blue Rub here:


    Kidney Stones: Avoid oxalate laden like spinach, rhubarb, potatoes including yams, soy products, nuts (inc. PB and almond butter), raspberries, Raisin Bran, Shredded Wheat, black tea.
    These powerful anti-inflammatory Essential Oils may help a small stone: Lemon; Wild Orange; Copaiba. Rosemary is a potent diuretic that can help remove uric acid that could potentially form into uric acid kidney stones. One drop in 4 ounces water. Or inhale in a diffuser.
    For Pain: Deep Blue Rub rubbed on the lower back. And Copaiba (2 drops under the tongue every 2-3 hours.) All these oils cross the cell membrane to heal, not just mask pain.
    And drink lots of water and see your doctor.

    You can get your Essential Oils here:


    Researchers in Spain published their findings that carvacrol and thymol at low levels are highly effective antioxidants but at very high concentrations can cause oxidative damage in intestinal cells. 

    This revolutionary finding supports the notion that Essential Oils are most effective in small amounts, and lose their value, and may even be harmful, in large amounts. 

    Oregano Essential Oil is a good source of carvacrol, and Thyme essential oil is a good source of thymol. 

    As with anything, never overdo Essential Oils. Be smart! They're concentrated. Just one drop is needed for their highly effective antioxidant value. 

    DoTerra is known for superior purity. You'll be confident you're using the best when you use doTerra.


      Don't have a diffuser for Essential Oils? You can get a diffuser necklace. Simply replace the wool felt pads as needed. Various places sell them. For example, Etsy online has both necklaces and replacement pads. They're lovely, and the felt pads come in different colors to go with your outfits. Or Anavia online has both also. 

      When inhaled, smell molecules travel through the nose and affect the brain through receptor sites, one of which is the limbic system, referred to as the "emotional brain." The limbic system is directly connected to those parts of the brain that control heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, memory, stress levels, and hormone balance. 


      Mucus. Yuck! Actually, mucus is a useful substance that destroys bacteria and viruses, traps loose particles, prevents water loss, and lubricates air passages. But when we're sick, excess mucus builds up in our sinus cavities. The cold virus attacks the upper respiratory tract, causing your sinuses to swell and increase mucus production. 

      What to do: Stimulating your lymph nodes with acupressure helps clear your sinuses of the excess. Lots of water to flush out the excess mucus. Use a neti pot. And take doTerra's Breathe Respiratory drops to help clean and soothe airways and support respiratory health. Made of Lemon, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Thyme, Melissa, and Cardamom Essential Oils. Delicious lozenges.

      And to strengthen your immune system to prevent sickness, doTerra makes On Guard Protecting Throat Drops to help calm and soothe dry, scratchy throats while helping strengthen your body's defenses. doTERRA On Guard Protecting Throat Drops can be a potent addition to a defensive health strategy against seasonal and environmental threats. Made of Wild Orange, Clove, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Rosemary, and Myrrh essential oils. 


      Head lice EO study: Clove Essential Oil has lice-repellent properties, a 2016 nonclinical, experimental study says. When placed in a petri dish with clove oil in one spot, the lice displayed avoidance behavior to the clove oil. They found that the main chemical constituent of clove oil, eugenol, was likely the compound most responsible for the repellency. 

      While more research is needed to be able to understand EO's effect on head lice, preliminary research suggests that some oils may discourage head lice infestations, whether by inhibition of lice egg hatching or repellency. EO's impact on lice continues to grow as a fascinating area of Essential Oil research, with promising insights ahead. However, please don't do this at home, especially with your children. This is still in research. Don't use clove if pregnant (as with most Essential Oils). 

      You can get your oils here: