Friday, September 27, 2019


To stay healthy, your body needs a healthy inflammatory response. Because our bodies need an inflammatory response, but only in a healthy way. Turmeric is wonderful for this. Only problem is, the Curcuminoids in Turmeric powder extract have limited bioavailability in your body. Oh no! DoTerra has solved this problem. They learned that the Turmerones in Turmeric Essential Oil (which are neuroprotective), combined with the Curcuminoids (which interrupt inflammatory byproducts in your cells and is a fantastic antioxidant) in the powder, together are synergistic.

The interplay between Turmerones in the oil and Curcuminoids in the powder has a significant impact on the biological activity and benefit of Turmeric which exceeded the scientists' greatest expectations! There was a dramatic increase in the bioavailability of Curcuminoids when delivered together with the Turmerones in the oil. DoTerra designed a unique delivery system in a Turmeric Dual Chamber which has never been done before! No one else has a system like this. For enhanced Turmeric bioavailability, you can get doTerra's Turmeric Duo Capsules here: You'll feel confident you're buying the best when you buy doTerra, known for superior research, testing, purity, and therapeutic value.

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